
URBOI Chatbot User Guide


URBOI is a simple command-line chatbot designed to help you manage your tasks. It allows you to add, list, mark as done, delete, and search for tasks. This user guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use URBOI effectively.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download the URBOI project code from GitHub.
  2. Run the URBOI.java file to start the URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController chatbot.

Adding Tasks

URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController allows you to add three types of tasks: To-Do, URBOI_PACKIN.TaskTypes.Deadline, and URBOI_PACKIN.TaskTypes.Event.

Adding a To-Do

To add a To-Do task, use the following command:

todo [description]

Replace [task description] with a brief description of the to-do task you want to add.

Adding a URBOI_PACKIN.TaskTypes.Deadline

To add a deadline task, use the following command:

deadline [task description] /by [date and time]

Replace [task description] with a description of the deadline task and [date and time] with the date and time the task is due in the format d/M/yyyy HHmm.

Adding an URBOI_PACKIN.TaskTypes.Event

To add an event task, use the following command:

event [event description] /from [start time] /to [end time]

Replace [event description] with a description of the event, [start time] with the event’s start time, and [end time] with the event’s end time.

3. Listing Tasks

To see a list of all your tasks, simply enter:


4. Marking Tasks

You can mark tasks as done or undone using the following commands:

mark [task index]

Replace [task index] with the index of the task you want to mark as done.

unmark [task index]

Replace [task index] with the index of the task you want to mark as not done.

5. Deleting Tasks

You can delete a task from your list using the following command:

delete [task index]

Replace [task index] with the index of the task you want to delete.

6. Searching for Tasks

To search for tasks containing a specific keyword, use the following command:

find [keyword]

Replace [keyword] with the keyword you want to search for. URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController will display a list of tasks matching your keyword.

7. Exiting URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController

To exit URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController, simply enter:


URBOI_PACKIN.ResponseController will bid you farewell and close.